The Best Juicers for Any Budget | Review and Comparisons

When it comes to finding the perfect Juicer, the decision on which one to buy can be overwhelming.  There are thousands of Juicers are the market that all claim to be the best.  However, this is not always the case.  In our opinion, a high quality juicer should last a lifetime.

Over the years there have been several different types of Juicers introduced to the market that doesn’t live up to the claims.  Luckily, we have created an easy to read list that shows the best Juicers on the market.  We believe that a juicer should last the individual a lifetime.  It’s for this reason that we have compiled a list of the most durable and efficient Juicers ever created!

Why buy a Juicer?

  • Your health will improve dramatically
  • Excellent source of trace minerals
  • Easy to assimilate nutrients with fiber and anti-nutrients removed
  • Helps mineralize the body
  • Reduces inflammation in the gut
  • Promotes beauty from the inside out

After your first raw juice, you will see what all the fuss it about!  No other health food in the world can compare to fresh raw organic juice!

Benefits of Juicing

We’ve gone over the many benefits of juicing before, but for those who are new, here is the short version.

Juicing is one the best ways to mineralize and provide immense nourishment to the body.  Unlike smoothies, juicing removes the hard to digest fiber and anti-nutrients contained within all fruits and vegetables.  Fiber and anti-nutrients can lead to inflamed intestines, intestinal permeability, and malabsorption of vitamins and minerals in the gut (1).

Juicing also helps rid the body of any fungal or bacterial overgrowths that may be residing in the gut!  Many mental and physical health aliments can actually be caused by a small bacteria overgrowth in the gut (2).


Also, juicing is naturally energizing and hydrating to the body.  In fact, dehydration is a serious problem among the general population and juicing can help hydrate the body on the cellular level.  Furthermore, many find that after juicing for long periods of time, their body no longer craves or needs coffee. 

Juicing is also any amazing source of raw enzymes, antioxidants, and phytochemicals which helps keep the body young and youthful!

Types of Juicers

When looking to purchase a juicer there are two designs that you will have to choose from.

  • Masticating
  • Centrifugal

Both Juicers have their pros and cons.  However, depending on what you plan to use the juicer for, one may be better suited for you.  With that said, both types of Juicers work extremely well and can produce fantastic raw juices

Masticating Juicer

Considered to be the best by many, Masticating Juicers produce amazing raw juices no matter what you may be juicing.  Due to their design, Masticating Juicers operate at an extremely slow speed and do not produce a lot of heat.  This is crucial because too much heat can damage the enzymes and nutrients in the produce which you are juicing.  It’s for this reason that many die hard health enthusiasts only use Masticating Juicers.

Also, since these types of Juicers operate at a slower speed, there is less chance of things breaking or wearing out.  The simple corkscrew design of Masticating Juicers pushes the food forward while simultaneously juicing the food.  Thanks to this simply design, there is no need to forcefully push fruits and vegetables through the juicer.

These types of Juicers work excellent on all fruits and vegetables and does an amazing job at producing fresh wheat grass juice

Masticating Juicers can juice almost anything you can think of, and does so extremely effectively.  However, the price tag is typically much higher on these types of Juicers since it’s an overall better product.


  • Produces less heat
  • Slow moving / less chance of breaking
  • Extremely Efficient
  • Corkscrew design allows for easy feeding
  • Can juice almost anything
  • More expensive than other Juicers

Centrifugal Juicers

These types of Juicers are extremely popular and are easily recognizable by most.  They most closely resemble a blender in the way in which they work.  Unlike Masticating Juicers which operate at a slow speed, Centrifugal Juicers operate much faster.  These Juicers operate by chopping the fruits and vegetables while also spinning at extremely fast rate.  This effectively removes the fiber from the produce and results in wonderfully made raw juice.

However, due to the speed in which these Juicers operate, they tend to produce a lot of heat.  It’s possible that this heat can destroy some of nutrients found within the vegetables and fruits.  With that being said, millions use this type of juicer daily and have achieved extraordinary health benefits from it.

Centrifugal Juicers chop and spin at the same time producing beautiful raw juices in an extremely short amount of time

Also, since these Juicers operate at a faster rate than Masticating Juicers, chances of something wearing out or breaking increases.  However, there are extremely durable Centrifugal Juicers on the market which have been proven to be extremely reliable.  Like Masticating Juicers, Centrifugal Juicers can juice almost any type of fruit or vegetable.

Furthermore, Centrifugal Juicers require you to push the produce down into the spinning chamber.  This is unlike Masticating Juicers which feed the produce through on its own due to its corkscrew design.  Lastly, when compared to Masticating Juicers, Centrifugal Juicers tend be much nosier.


  • Produces amazing raw juice extremely fast
  • Produces heat which could degrade nutrients
  • Can juice almost anything
  • Requires fruits and vegetables to be “pushed” through rather than slow fed
  • A lot nosier when compared to Masticating Juicers
  • Shorter shelf like due to operation speed and fast moving parts

Different Features to Look For

Pulp Ejection

Pulp ejection systems are extremely beneficial for quick and easy clean up.  Rather than having to take apart the juicer and remove the pulp, Juicers with pulp ejection remove the pulp for you.  This makes clean up fast and easy.  Also, those in a hurry will definitely appreciate the easy cleanup which results from pulp ejection systems.

Many Juicers with built in pulp ejection systems feed the fibrous material through a tube coming out the side, or the front of the juicer.  This allows the user to place a bowel or trash barrel underneath the feed tube in order to catch the left over material.  For those with home gardens, this material can be used as compost to help grow strong healthy plants!

Dishwasher Friendly

The best Juicers on the market are the ones that are dishwasher friendly.  Small pieces of fruits and vegetables can build up in the juicer after several uses.  If the juicer does not come apart and is not dishwasher friendly, sanitation issues are bound to occur.

Making sure the juicer is dishwasher friendly is one of the most important things to look for when purchasing a new juicer.  Remember, a juicer should last several years. Keeping it clean is imperative for enhancing its shelf life and maintaining its functionality.

Different Speeds

Juicers with multiple speeds allow for increased control and better consistency.  This feature is extremely useful when juicing harder fruits and vegetables such as carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, and beets.  Attempting to juice these types of fruits and vegetables without being able to increase the machines speed can become difficult.

This can lead to the machine jamming up, or not fully juicing the fruits and vegetables.  This can be time consuming since the machine must then be taken apart to clear the jam.  Having a juicer with multiple speeds is the best solution to avoid this problem all together.  

Feed Tube Size

One of the most important features when first buying a juicer is its feed tube size.  Many will blindly buy a juicer only to find out that their favorite fruits and vegetables cannot fit through the feeding tube.  This results in the individual having to chop all the fruits and vegetables before placing them through the tube.

Again, this can be time consuming.  Also, this adds to the “cleanup factor” when you’re done using the juicer.  To avoid this, make sure you know the specifications of the feed tube before purchasing the juicer.  Almost all manufactures will put this information in the product description.

Juice Collector

All Juicers contain a spout which the fresh raw juice flows from.  However, some juicer come equipped with a juice collector container.  This juice container can be used to store the raw juice in the fridge.  Also, this solves the problem of trying to find the right type of glass which will fit under the juice spout.  However, this feature does not affect the functionality of the juicer.

The Top Juicers on the Market

Image Name Type Specs Price

Tribest GSE-5000 Greenstar Elite

  •  200 Watts
  • Plastic/Stainless Steel
  • 24 pounds
 juicers Masticating 
  • 150 Watts
  • Plastic/Steel
  • 20.3 pounds

Omega Juicer NC900HDC

  • 150 Watts
  • Plastic/Steel
  • 17.45 pounds
juicers Centrifugal
  • 1000 Watts
  • Steel
  • 17.2 pounds

Omega Vertical Masticating VRT350

  • 150 Watts
  • Plastic
  • 21 pounds

SKG New Generation

  • 240 Watts
  • Plastic/Steel
  • 23 pounds

Omega J8006 Nutrition Center


  •  150 Watts
  • Plastic/Steel
  • 17 pounds

Argus Le Masticating Juicer


  •  150 Watts
  • Plastic/Steel
  • 8.38 pounds

Aicok Juicer Slow Masticating

  •  150 Watts
  • Plastic
  • 11.5 pounds

Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain

  • 700 Watts
  • Plastic
  • 11 pounds

Things to Keep in Mind

Always Add Greens to your Juice

Incorporating dark leafy greens into all your juice recipes is very important.  Dark leafy greens are extremely high in chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is considered a powerful blood builder and oxygenator.  Also, dark leafy greens do not not contain high amounts of sugar like fruit.  Raw juices that contain too many fruits can cause unwanted blood sugar spikes in the body. 

It’s for this reason that it’s recommended that all raw juice recipes contain 70% greens, 20% fruits, and 10% herbs.  For those looking for amazing juice recipes, check out our Juice Me Better Juicing Recipe Book.

Don’t be Afraid to Juice Herbs

Herbs make an excellent addition to all juice recipes.  Unfortunately, many shy away from them when first starting their juicing journey.  Herbs contain powerful phytochemicals that can help reduce pathogenic overgrowths in the gut.  Also, many herbs help stabilize blood sugar levels.  This is beneficial if a particular raw juice contains high amounts of fruits.  Some great herbs for juicing are ginger, parsley, and cilantro.

Consume at Least Two Raw Juices a Day

In order to get the full health benefits of juicing, at least two raw juices should be consumed each day.  This helps saturate the body with essential vitamins and trace minerals.  The majority of the population is extremely deficient in trace minerals.  By consuming two raw juices a day, you are ensuring that you don’t miss out on these vital minerals.

Always Consume Raw Juice on an Empty Stomach

It’s extremely important to always consume raw juices on an empty stomach.  This will ensure that maximum absorption is achieved in the gut.  Combining to many foods at once can hinder absorption and offset the positive effects of the raw juice.  Always give yourself at least an hour before and after meals before consuming raw juice.

Rotate your Recipes

Always rotate between your raw juice recipes.  This allows for a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to be obtained.  Consuming the same raw juice every day will limit your nutrient diversity.  Get creative and find a few recipes you really enjoy!  Once you find a couple of favorite recipes, be sure to rotate through them frequently.